Monday, May 10, 2010

Sparrow Shugendo

Whereas the Sparrow Lands have little resources, the Sparrow Shugendo should strive to make use of what little resources the Sparrow have.  I believe that I mentioned I think that the Sparrow Shugendo's should do Fertility Rites, during the growing season to help the crops of the Sparrow.  Also the Sparrow should pray for those serving in other lands.

I would like to sell the rights to my life story to make a burial ground for the honoring of Sparrow ancestors including my own.  Kind of like a smaller version of the Kitsu tombs.  Though I do not know how much my lifestory may bring.  It would be best if this was at the border of Sparrow Lands.  The bodies of ancestors could be stacked into a wall.  Then if the Sparrow Lands were attacked, the ancestors would help defend the wall.  Though I think this would be best by the Scorpion Lands.

As time goes on the Tombs can be added onto.  It may be best to plan this into the design.  Though I would like it to incorporate Yang style feng shui elements.  But that may be inapproapriate considering my ancestors were not chinese.  Though the building for them may be best not to incorporate Yang style Feng Shui as that is more suited to the nonliving.  Perhaps it would be best if the Shugendo quarters were hidden underground. 

Perhaps a chamber ought to be dedicated to the Heroes of the Sparrow.  For instance, Suzume, and his aunt might be good to have statues.  Perhaps my statue may one day adorn it's hall.

If the Sparrow Lands are attacked, then they can defend the Tombs while reenforcements arrrive.  Perhaps using slings behind the thick walls.  Or hurling spells at their enemies. 

Though perhaps it would be best to have a Sparrow Shugendo amongst the Sparrow Twelve.  Then the Sparrow Daimyo, and the Sparrow Shugendo can then train together in their arts.  Then the Sparrow could then train other students in Sparrow lands.  Starting as a study group, it may form into a school of it's own for the Sparrow.   

I think it would be best if the Sparrow Shugendo trained here, and maintained the Tombs.  As the Fox Shugendo wield a wicked Nagomaki, so should the Sparrow Shugendo be known for their use of a sling.  As they might not be able to hide behind a bushi in battle. 

Though, I think that to be a Sparrow Shugendo, a Sparrow must create a manifestation scroll.  A person is selected by the Sparrow Clan.  The potential Shugendo must then create a scroll that has things that come true using for that person.  This is not a favor to be traded lightly.  Though it may help to maintain the Tombs. 

Also the Sparrow Shugendo should visit the Shrines of Family, and Vigilence if they are needed to be built.  Perhaps visiting them once a year to make and saying a prayer.  Also performing any needed maintaince work.

Though if I have a daughter, that she will take over this school.  I know she would be better treated amongst the Kitsu then I was being brought up.  Also she could learn about her true nature. 

Though I do not approve of pacts with Spirits, pacts with animals are a different matter.  Personally, it may be good to make pacts with more then one animal.  Different animals have different strengths and weaknesses.  For example, cats are a natural predator to rodents.  Rodents spread disease, attack humans, eat crops. 

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